Posts tagged 'events'

Plone: Event Driven Programming

A talk I gave at the European Plone Symposium 2010 in Sorrento.

Event Driven Programming in Plone - or how to extend Plone the lazy way

Ever wanted to extend Plone somehow but not wanted to change the existing code for a product? Want to learn the easy way to extend Plone’s functionality?


I will show you some examples of how to use Plone’s event subscriber and workflow systems to extend Plone without having to change any existing products. Using a number of common Plone products and the events system to combine them you can come up with unlimited possibilities. I’ll use examples from two websites I’ve been working on recently to show you how you can make authors have to pay (using GetPaid) to publish content on a site, and how to check the comments are not spam on your discussion board.